Monday, December 28, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Selagi anak2 ku (Anak + anak murid) belum periksa paper Ekonomi, selagi tu hidup tak tenteram. Ada juga yang datang belajar kat rumah selain di sekolah, sebagai tambahan menjelang peperiksaan. ada juga yang tido kat rumah. tapi semuanya dibuat dengan ikhlas. Just for self satisfaction. Don't worry Bonda tak charge!!. 7th of Dec , Mereka peksa. Pagi tu paper 1. After 45 mins, Sharizat dah keluar katanya sakit perut. Tapi alhamdulillah mereka kata senang. Ye ke???? Nak sedapkan hati bonda la tu....Paper tu 2 susah sikit. Puaslah Bonda berdoa untuk mereka semua. Tup! tup! ada yang dah keluar?? GBS la tu (Geng Budak Sekolah). Nape kuar awal??? Tak sempat Bonda doa...
Dah masuk 3rd week gi China teman hubby beli barang untuk businessnye.. Hidup mesti seimbang. Kali ni kite luangkan masa untuk kehidupan yang lain.....sambung di lain masa..Ada tugas berat yang perlu dilaksanakan..sekurang kurangnye dah tak ngantuk lagi....
Monday, December 7, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
1. Chef at Home: Wondering how he keeps everything in order...I like his pantry.
2. French Food At Home: The cook Laura Calder She is sooo sexy and the foods look delicious...
3. Jamie Oliver.. cooking looks easy. He is cute...
4. Forever Summer with Nigella: She also makes cooking look simple. She's pretty too..
All these are from channel 703 AFC or u can log on to
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Bersantai di porch. Ada banyak aktiviti yang boleh dilakukan di porch. Oleh itu pastikan keluasan porch lebih 10 kaki supaya tidak terkena tempias jika hujan. Anak kecil boleh bermain dengan selamat, Kekadang mengajar anak murid di porch, minum kopi di waktu malam dengan udara yang segar dan dingin.....
1. Lots of roses around the house.
2. Vantage Tea sets
3. A shop like 'Lovely Lace"
4. Decorative items.
5. Making things with my own combination of colors..
Anak Murid Tercinta
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Red Rose Red Rose
Which is a sweet scent to the nose
So soft and smooth
It makes my heart move
Red Rose Red Rose
Which makes a good pose
That I like to hold
Red Rose Red Rose
Which the wind blows
As each day goes
Red Rose Red Rose
Which grows and grows
It's my favorite kind
That it sooths the mind
Red Rose Red Rose
That it helps sooth my soul
How to set Table for basics
- Plates.
- Glassware.
- Silverware.
- Napkins.
- Maybe a candle or two.
- Step 1Basic setting.
This is appropriate for most occasions, and you just add to the basic pieces as needed.
1) Place the dinner plate in the center of the place setting and place everything else is around it.
2) The flatware is arranged around the plate in the order in which it will be used. To the left of the plate is the fork. To the right of the plate is knife and spoon. The knife is placed to the right of the plate with the sharp edge toward the plate. to the right of the knife is the spoon.
3) A glass of water goes above the knife.
4) Napkins can be placed under the forks or on the plate for an informal setting. - Step 2Informal setting.
Simply start with a basic setting and add to it.
1) If you are serving a salad, the salad fork is placed to the left of the dinner fork.
2) If you are serving soup, set the bowl on the plate and a spoon to the right of the beverage spoon.
3) Salad or bread and butter plates go to the left of the forks. Position butter plates above with the butter knife placed across the plate.
4) Cup and saucer go above the spoons with the handle toward the right. Wine or water glasses can be positioned to the left of the coffee cup. - Step 3Formal setting.
Begin with the setting for an informal dinner and add to it.
1) If serving white wine, use a glass for white wine, if serving red wine, use a glass for red wine. Place the wine glass as well as a water glass to the left of the coffee cup.
2) The beverage, soup and/or dessert spoons are to the right of the knife or can be brought to the table when soup or dessert is served.
3) To dress it up even more, place a charger under the dinner plate. - Step 4Table is set.
After you have finished the table setting, stand back and look at it, walk around the table looking at everything. see! You did it and it looks great, now you can breath again and spend the rest of the time getting ready for your guests. Have a great dinner.